How To Build a Mechanic in MapleStory (Levels 10-159)
The Mechanic character class is now live in Global MapleStory (GMS), the international version of Nexon's popular free massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Celebrate the release by building a super-powerful Mechanic to call your own! No idea how to invest your skill points? No problem! The build guide excerpted below eliminates the guesswork, permitting you to focus on what matters: playing the game.
First Job Skills / SP Input
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Flame Launcher
Metal Armor: Prototype
Drill Rush
Gatling Shot
First Job Mechanic Build
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Level 10: +3 Prototype (3), +1 Gattling Shot (1), +1 Drill Rush (1)
Level 11: +2 Prototype (5), +1 Drill Rush (2)
Level 12: +1 Prototype (6), +2 Drill Rush (4)
Level 13: +3 Prototype (9)
Level 14: +1 Prototype (maxed), +2 Drill Rush (6)
Level 15: +3 Drill Rush (9)
Level 16: +3 Drill Rush (12)
Level 17: +3 Drill Rush (15)
Level 18: +3 Drill Rush (18)
Level 19: +2 Drill Rush (maxed), +1 Gatling Shot (2)
Level 20: +3 Gatling Shot (5)
Level 21: +3 Gatling Shot (8)
Level 22: +3 Gatling Shot (11)
Level 23: +3 Gatling Shot (14)
Level 24: +1 Gatling Shot (maxed), +2 Flame Launcher (2)
Level 25: +3 Flame Launcher (5)
Level 26: +3 Flame Launcher (8)
Level 27: +3 Flame Launcher (11)
Level 28: +3 Flame Launcher (14)
Level 29: +3 Flame Launcher (17)
Level 30: +3 Flame Launcher (maxed)
Prototype Maxed
Drill Rush Maxed
Gatling Shot Maxed
Flame Launcher Maxed
Training Spots
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Levels 10-20:
Blue Ribbon Pigs. Highly Recommended.
Green Mushrooms. Area is Suitable.
Levels 20-25:
Stone Gollems. Highly Recommended.
Levels 25-30:
Zombie Lupins. Highly Recommended.
Mixed Gollems. Area is Recommended.
Wooden Masks. Area is not Recommended. "Woodmasks are completely out matched by zlupins and golems."
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Second Job Skills / SP Input
Mechanic MasteryHeavy Weapon Mastery
Atomic Hammer
Rocket Booster
Open Gate: GX-9
Mechanic Rage
Perfect Armor
Second Job Mechanic Build
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Level 30: +1 Mechanic Mastery (1), +1 Atomic Hammer (1), +1 Perfect Armor (1)
Level 31: +2 Mechanic Mastery (3), +1 Heavy Weapon Mastery (1)
Level 32: +2 Mechanic Mastery (5), +1 Booster (1)
Level 33: +3 Mechanic Rage (4)
Level 34: +2 Mechanic Rage (6), +1 Rocket Booster (1)
Level 35: +2 Mechanic Mastery (7), +1 Atomic Hammer (2)
Level 36: +2 Mechanic Mastery (9), +1 Atomic Hammer (3)
Level 37: +2 Mechanic Mastery (11), +1 Atomic Hammer (4)
Level 38: +2 Mechanic Mastery (13), +1 Atomic Hammer (5)
Level 39: +2 Mechanic Mastery (15), +1 Atomic Hammer (6)
Level 40: +2 Mechanic Mastery (17), +1 Atomic Hammer (7)
Level 41: +2 Mechanic Mastery (19), +1 Atomic Hammer (8)
Level 42: +1 Mechanic Mastery (MAXED), +2 Atomic Hammer (10)
Level 43: +3 Atomic Hammer (13)
Level 44: +3 Atomic Hammer (16)
Level 45: +3 Atomic Hammer (19)
Level 46: +1 Atomic Hammer (MAXED), +2 Heavy Weapon Mastery (3)
Level 47: +3 Heavy Weapon Mastery (6)
Level 48: +3 Heavy Weapon Mastery (9)
Level 49: +3 Heavy Weapon Mastery (12)
Level 50: +3 Heavy Weapon Mastery (15)
Level 51: +3 Heavy Weapon Mastery (18)
Level 52: +2 Heavy Weapon Mastery (MAXED), +1 Perfect Armor (2)
Level 53: +3 Perfect Armor (5)
Level 54: +3 Perfect Armor (8)
Level 55: +3 Perfect Armor (11)
Level 56: +3 Perfect Armor (14)
Level 57: +3 Perfect Armor (17)
Level 58:+3 Perfect Armor (MAXED)
Level 59: +3 Mechanic Rage (9)
Level 60: +3 Mechanic Rage (12)
Level 61: +3 Mechanic Rage (15)
Level 62: +3 Mechanic Rage (18)
Level 63: +2 Mechanic Rage (MAXED), +1 Portal (1)
Level 64: +3 Portal (4)
Level 65: +3 Portal (7)
Level 66: +3 Portal (MAXED)
Level 67: +3 Rocket Booster (4)
Level 68: +3 Rocket Booster (7)
Level 69: +3 Rocket Booster (10)
Level 70: +3 Rocket Booster (13)
Mechanic Rage Maxed
Portal Maxed
Heavy Weapon Mastery Maxed
Perfect Armor Maxed
Atomic Hammer Maxed
Mechanic Mastery Maxed
Rocket Booster 13
Training Spots
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Levels 30-40:
Mushroom Kingdom. Highly Recommended.
Levels 40-50:
Kerning Mall. Highly Recommended
Carnival Party Quest. Area is Recommended.
White Lettys. Area is not recommended
Levels 51-55:
Drakes. Highly Recommended
Pink Teddies. Area is Recommended.
Panda Teddies. Area is Recommended.
Levels 56-60:
Trojans. Highly Recommended.
White Pangs. Highly Recommended.
Levels 60-65:
Robos. Highly Recommended.
Pirate Party Quest. Highly Recommended.
Mateons. Area is Recommended.
Korean Folk Town Foxes (Samiho). Area is not recommended
Black Block Golems. Area is suitable
Wild Cargos. Area is Recommended.
Levels 66-70:
Puppets. Highly Recommended.
Mateons. Area is Recommended.
Pirate Party Quest. Area is Recommended.
Baby Tigers (KFT). Area is Suitable.
Plateons. Highly Recommended.
Zeta Greys Area. Highly Recommended.