Sunday, August 7, 2011

Things just aren't the same, wah wah wah......

"Remember when we used to meet up and cruise together, remember when we rolled our trucks and showed them off not our attitudes, remember when we would go to a cruise night, share a coke and a burger and talk about good times. Remember when it wasn't about the trophies or the BS just hanging out with your boys!"


If you find yourself bitching about the way things were, then maybe you should do something about it instead of sitting behind the computer talking about the way it used to be. Minitruckin is still good, people are still building trucks for themselves, if you don't see this then you're hanging out with the wrong people. I rolled to a cruise night with about ten No Regrets So Cal members last night and it was just like the old days.....JUST SAYING!!!!!!!

Granted I know at some of the big shows, you have a handful of ding dongs fucking it up. But good people still exist, So if you don't want to be a part of this scene, C YA!!! But please don't write shit like "I used to be a part of this, but now it sucks, blah blah blah." In ten years from now, the kids from today are going to bitch about the way things were. People change, Minitruckin' has evolved. You have to evolve with it, or move on please. But don't bring us down with you. 

send your hate mail to lol or feel free to post in the comments section below, just keep it classy! If you agree let me know also.